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"I absolutely love the transparency and fervor with which Mrs. Blount speaks. She uses her own experiences as a platform to promote personal safety and give a voice to victims of sexual abuse. She is extremely passionate and committed to empowering victims of all ages to speak out and heal from the emotional scars left by sexual abuse." - Loureva Watson-Slade, Co-Founder, C..A.L.I. Girl 

Speaking to Encourage 


Contact:  to book Crystal to speak at your next event!!
Sample Speaking Topics
From Brokenness to Breakthrough!

"From Brokenness to BREAKTHROUGH!" is th powerful and inspiring talk for women. Everyone has a past and everyone has had a major trial. We'll deal with childhood traumas, anger, and grief, and I'll show you how to turn your brokenness into a BREAKTHROUGH! God loves a broken heart that comes to him, because that is when he can do the most amazing miracles.  

Stand Up and Stand Out! Teen Prevention:

"STAND UP and STAND OUT! You Weren't Made to Fit In!"  I'll connect with your youth group to talk candidly with teens and pre-teens about being one of God's chosen few in a world where most conform. We'll discuss sex, drugs, college, relationship with God, and other hot topics and give practical tips on setting yourself apart!


Save The 1: How I Became Pro-Life

"Save The 1" is a pro-life movement founded by Rebecca Kiessling, Pro-Life Speaker conceived in Rape. Crystal and Rebecca share similar testimonies, although Crystal became a Birth-mother from rape at the tender age of 14 years old. Crystal inspires survivors with her testimony of the grace and strength she found in Christ during this most challenging life altering event, and how she came to know the value of human life. Crystal's compelling and compassionate talk is ideal for survivors, women's groups, non-profits, legislators, and more. 



Past Speaking:

  • R.A.I.N.N. (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network) Speakers Bureau

  • C.A.L.I. Girl Enterprises (Christian And Loving It!)

  • Girls Club of Los Angeles

  • Hope Garden's Family Center of the Union Rescue Mission

  • Valley Economic Development Center - Women's Business Center

  • Los Angeles Valley College, Black Student Union

  • Open Adoption & Family Services, Oregon

  • New Christ Memorial Church

  • Holy Mount Calvary Baptist Church

Customized Topics for Your Organization's Event!

Click here for Bio, Booking info, and rates! 

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